The wonder of war. The sharp edge of the razor of evil that scrapes and scars the face of the earth.
Words can do no justice to the horrors of war--especially those penned by one who has never entered into those horrors. But I can remark on the wonder. It is in war that we see the very worst of fallen mankind. On occasion, however, the tide of evil is met and rolled back by mankind at its most noble.
Men (like those pictured above) left the safety of these transports in order to wade through water, trudge through sand, and scale cliffs under merciless enemy fire. They willingly offered themselves to certain death--like sheep to the slaughter--in order to subdue a tyrant who wished to subdue the earth.
They are our heroes. What would lead a man to throw himself into death so that others may live free? Pure moral fiber. It is the epitome of courage: Sacrificing oneself for no immediate or certain gain, but for the possibility of a better world for one's posterity.
And I am left in wonder.