Monday, November 26, 2007

Moving Toward McCain; A Great Opportunity

On the political front, I have recently experienced an inward shift to Sen. John McCain. There are a few issues with which I would take exception to the Senator, but he is generally conservative. On most issues, he stands on the right side (no pun intended). Amongst most of the presidential candidates, there seems to be an air of political opportunism. Not so with McCain--his politics are as sturdy and unwavering as his principles. If he modifies a policy position (such as immigration) he doesn't try to disguise the change, but rather explains why he has changed his approach (i.e. the American people hated his old position and wanted it moderated).
I preached and taught Sunday school at a Korean Presbyterian church today, and it went very well. People responded well to the sermon, and several teenagers were astounded by the Sunday school lesson on "The Gospel According to Genesis 3." If you ever want to talk about the Gospel in Genesis 3, please talk to me. I love talking about it. By God's grace, the pastor of that church has asked me to preach and teach until I leave for Christmas Break. For the next three weeks, I'll be a visiting pastor of sorts (recognizing I'm not yet ordained) at a Korean church. Go figure! I loved the people, as well as the preaching and teaching, so I'm currently psyched!


Daniel's Public Ponderings said...

So do they have constant translations going? and does this mean you are abandoning you other church? And what do you think about Romney?

Ryan said...

Hey! Great news about the church! Hope that goes well.

Sarah and I are back in GR. It looks like snow this week.

Send me something on your thoughts on Genesis 3.
