Tuesday, April 15, 2008

An Executive Traitor

Former President Jimmy Carter is currently meeting with members of the terrorist organization, Hamas, and will soon be meeting with their leader. Hamas is one of the more prominent terrorist organization, condemned by the vast majority of the international community. They have murdered over twenty Americans, countless Israelis, and doubtless many Muslims who have proven themselves "infidels" in some form or another.

For any American official to consort with these heinous criminals is morally abhorrent; for the former leader of the free world to do so is despicable (even that is an understatement). In a bipartisan plea, 50 members of Congress today called upon Carter to cancel the meetings. The Bush Administration and Israel's government are both infuriated. Not only is such a move immoral, but it is also politically disastrous as it legitimates a heartless, criminal enterprise.

When a young man from California was found amidst al-Qaida troops in Afghanistan a few years ago, he was rounded up with the other prisoners of war, branded a traitor, and taken captive by allied forces. While such an extravagant move cannot properly be employed against a former President, there should currently be a discussion on Capitol Hill concerning whether charges of treachery and aiding and abetting known terrorists should be drawn against Carter, as well as possibly barring Carter from U.S. territory as one who has consulted with enemies of the free world.

There was once a time when former Presidents upheld the dignity of their office by working in a non-partisan way toward good causes, e.g. former Presidents Bush and Clinton joining together to aid the victims of the tsunami in southeast Asia. With Clinton now playing the part of schoolyard political bully for his wife and Carter hobnobbing with Hamas, Americans may duly feel ashamed and disappointed.

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